Author name: Shopificity

Marketing Pro with a Plan

Build a Behavioral Marketing Plan Like a Pro: The Step-by-Step Guide That Will Change Your Marketing Forever

In this article, we are going to discuss the importance of a Behavioural Marketing Plan (BMP) and the role it plays in personalized marketing. The essence of a Behavioral Marketing Plan (BMP) lies in its sharp contrast to traditional marketing plans. While traditional strategies often adopt a broad, one-size-fits-all approach, a BMP zeroes in on targeting audiences based on a rich tapestry of metrics like behavior, interests, intentions, and geolocation. This focus on personalization not only enhances customer experience but also leads to increased customer retention.

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customer segmentation

Customer Segmentation: The Key to Retention Success and How to Begin

In the competitive marketplace of e-commerce, the ability to retain customers is essential to long-term growth as a business. According to a 2023 McKinsey report, a staggering 78% of consumers are willing to become repeat customers after experiencing a personalized shopping journey. This statistic alone underscores the paramount importance of personalization in your online business.

Customer Segmentation: The Key to Retention Success and How to Begin Read More »

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