
How Top E-Commerce Brands Use Customer Insights for Growth

How Top E-Commerce Brands Use Customer Insights for Growth

ShopificityDecember 23, 20230 Comments
In the world of e-commerce, one of the most underutilized assets is customer data. Leveraging this goldmine not only enhances personalized marketing experiences, leading to increased customer retention, but can also be used to uncover opportunities to find new customers that mirror your best customers.
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Build a Behavioral Marketing Plan Like a Pro: The Step-by-Step Guide That Will Change Your Marketing Forever

Build a Behavioral Marketing Plan Like a Pro: The Step-by-Step Guide That Will Change Your Marketing Forever

ShopificityDecember 10, 20230 Comments
In this article, we are going to discuss the importance of a Behavioural Marketing Plan (BMP) and the role it plays in personalized marketing. The essence of a Behavioral Marketing Plan (BMP) lies in its sharp contrast to traditional marketing plans. While traditional strategies often adopt a broad, one-size-fits-all approach, a BMP zeroes in on targeting audiences based on a rich tapestry of metrics like behavior, interests, intentions, and geolocation. This focus on personalization not only enhances customer experience but also leads to increased customer retention.
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Discover & Leverage Your Key Customer Segments: Turning Insights into Action

Discover & Leverage Your Key Customer Segments: Turning Insights into Action

ShopificityNovember 25, 20230 Comments
In this article, we're going to take you on a journey through the art of segment analysis, revealing actionable insights that will not only strengthen your relationships and loyalty with your best customers but also help you uncover new ways to attract new high-value customers.
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Customer Segmentation: The Key to Retention Success and How to Begin

Customer Segmentation: The Key to Retention Success and How to Begin

ShopificityOctober 14, 20230 Comments
In the competitive marketplace of e-commerce, the ability to retain customers is essential to long-term growth as a business. According to a 2023 McKinsey report, a staggering 78% of consumers are willing to become repeat customers after experiencing a personalized shopping journey. This statistic alone underscores the paramount importance of personalization in your online business.
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The Costly CLV Mistake: Is Your Business Overspending on Customer Acquisition?

The Costly CLV Mistake: Is Your Business Overspending on Customer Acquisition?

ShopificityOctober 2, 20230 Comments
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is an essential metric for e-commerce businesses, offering insights into customer worth. However, it's a double-edged sword. On one hand, businesses may acquire customers at costs they believe are profitable, only to realize later that these customers didn't bring the expected revenue.
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Unlocking E-commerce Success: The Power of Customer Retention

Unlocking E-commerce Success: The Power of Customer Retention

ShopificitySeptember 18, 20230 Comments
While your competitors grapple with escalating ad costs, this post will show you why customer retention is your path to sustainable business growth. We'll also share practical strategies to boost your retention rates right away.
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